Sunday, October 18, 2009

aleecia & jeff in the mountains

(read it all!)

im not even sure where to begin with this post because i have so many neat things to tell you about this wonderful couple. i will start with their story, and TRUST ME, you want to read it. aleecia and jeff met up here in flagstaff. the two attended church together, which is where jeff first caught aleecia's attention. it was her sophomore year and she'd seen jeff around a few times and noticed something special about him. their pastor was speaking on leap of faith prayers and having the strong expectancy of our God to answer them. at this point aleecia & jeff had never met, they didnt even know eachothers names. the pastors sermon urged aleecia to pray a prayer that would change her life forever. "God i don't even know his name but im gonna pray that that cute boy across the room would one day be my husband." she even has this prayer written down in a prayer journal from that day. it took a while for God to answer that pure and BIG prayer aleecia prayed that one sunday afternoon. but as we all know, God does faithfully hear and answer prayer. aleecia and jeff were introduced not long after that sunday, but nothing more than a distant friendship came about. for about 3 years aleecia continued to find a deep and captivated interest in jeff, praying and hoping that one day things would change and something more than a friendship would develop. she finally reached a point where she gave up, completely surrendering her desires to God. she knew that God had a perfect plan for her life, and whether or not jeff fit into it wasnt up to her or how much she loved him. just about the time aleecia asked God to take away her feelings and interests in jeff, all of the sudden jeff found himself more and more interested IN HER. it was almost as if God said "ok NOW i can give you what you want". FINALLY aleecia and jeff began to date and im SO so happy to say that they were married this past march. what a perfect example of Gods faithfulness and provision in our lives. talk about giving us the desires of our hearts, right?!

aleecia and jeff have got the sweetest spirit about them and you immediately feel welcomed and valued when talking to them. we spent the car ride up and down the mountain talking, laughing, and getting to know eachother more and i can honestly say they've got to be in my top 5 nicest, coolest, most awesome people category. yes, that does exist. seriously though, i just so enjoyed my time with them hearing a little bit about their life together and learning from their faith. its obvious to me, and im sure everyone who hangs around with them, that they have a deep love for eachother that God clearly ordained way before they even met (literally).

im so grateful for the chance to hang out with them this afternoon and be blessed by their company. we spent our time up towards the az snowbowl in the beautiful trees and leaves that are quickly changing colors, the perfect setting for these two.

i know i say this after almost every session, but i was reminded again today how cool it is that i always get to hang out with such awesome people during my sessions. im overwhelmed with how much of a blessing people are to me. not only do i get to spend quality time with people i probably wouldnt otherwise, but i also get to give them something that makes them happy. i was blessed by the time i spent with you aleecia & jeff. and thanks for the laughs, stories, and being such great examples to me in the faith.

thats all for now.

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