Wednesday, October 28, 2009

piece of cake (pt. 2)

so we went from this....

to this....

to this...

to finally making the website...

isnt it crazy how much the original design changes? BIG thanks to you all for your input. as you can see, i definitely took your feedback to heart. i changed elements such as the color and shape of the cake which are two of the most prominent suggestions i got. im learning that feedback/input/critique is EXTREMELY valuable in this field which is why i like to post my designs mid process and see what you all think from the outside. so really, you're all too great and im so glad you keep coming back! what do you guys think about the final decisions for logos & layouts and such?

by the way... this is my front yard right now:

winter, i welcome you.



janae said... it. Fabulous job yet again. You are one talented girl! And btw...WOW SNOW! How exciting. Can't wait to see you on Friday

Kristin said...

looks SO good! the cake doesn't look like marshmallows anymore! it's perfect :) (figured i'm allowed to be honest since i'm your sister)

Hillary M. said...

oh steph, the new design looks so good! looks more like a cake and less like stacked marshmallows :) i love it. flagstaff looks so beautiful, i can't wait to be there in ONE WEEK!