Monday, April 14, 2008

flagstaff lovin

this past weekend me and lexi took a random road trip up to flag for some fun and time to spend with my dear friend mel. her house is SO precious and she was so sweet to host us for the night. i absolutely love flagstaff. i am so excited to live there next year! it is such a beautiful place and Gods beauty is so evident there. we had so much fun taking pictures and playing on the tree swing in mel's front yard...

we drove for about 20 minutes in the middle of the nowhere to go to this chapel on the side of the road. its always open for anyone to come in. it is so small and will maybe seat 15 people. the front of the chapel is an open glass window and over looks the mountains and trees. its gorgeous! people have written all over the walls and written their conversations with God. it was awesome to really feel His presence in this small holy place. and i got some great photos...
on the way back into town me and lex stopped to take some more random pictures of the beautiful day...

so much fun! big thanks to: lex for driving, mel and room mates for hosting, and kris for helping get into the tree swing :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I enjoy the personality and the character of this group of pictures. They say so much about the people and places pictured in them. Very impressive and a joy to look at.