Friday, May 30, 2008

oh dear...

good news! i graduated! no more high school! due to all of the graduation/beginning of summer festivities, this blog has been neglected. but it stops here! with all of the summer trips coming up i will have TONS of new photos and experiences to post. so, look forward to that! first on the list of trips is coming up this tuesday: VIRGIN ISLANDS MISSION TRIP! i am so unbelievably excited! can you just imagine the photo opportunities there?! ajfgartyfsgdfljsdk >>> !!!! we will be gone for almost 2 weeks so once again, blogging will have to wait. BUT... wait for it... when i get back i am having a photo shoot with one of the hottest couples around: natalie and jared! so you can look forward to that as well :) so you see... lots to look forward to as we make our way into the crazy summer of 08. shout out to all you faithful blog readers! i hope there are some of you out there... and if there are, leave me a comment. i would LOVE that.

i will leave you with this completely random photo from graduation. it was a total accident, but i like it. YAY for accidents!until next time, sb.

1 comment:

bond said...

ha ha ha, those are totally my feet!!! i'm glad i could be apart of your accidental art!