Monday, July 14, 2008


i owe some:
  1. before we left for camp, i said i would blog the day i get back with some awesome camp photos. we got back on saturday, and i am just now blogging. sorry.
  2. the awesome camp photos i am talking about... are not with me. while at camp, i transferred my memory card back and forth to the main photography lady so she could use my photos for the camp slideshow, and once they were on her computer, they were deleted. so i am left without most of my camp photos which document the week. sorry.

update: youth camp was amaaaaaaazing! the camp verse for the week was galations 5:1 "it is for freedom that Christ set us free!" something the Lord really said to me this week was the question of how much of this freedom do i use for the glory of Him? ouch. not much is the answer that i found. i spend so much of my time truly worshipping other things in my life other than the LORD! even now just typing that out makes my stomach hurt. the definition of worship in most cases simply means to focus your time and attention on something. i cant even begin to list everything in my life that i focus my time and attention on other than Christ. this past week at camp, i had no choice but to be honest with myself and really evaluate areas in my life where i NEED to be worshipping the King, and put so much less attention on other things. i am free in Christ to find what is true freedom. i will be remembering that.

i guess i should leave you with a photo from camp. this photo contains some of my most favorite people in the whole world: my church youth group. i love them all dearly and they will truly never know how much they have meant to me. so here's to my last zona yuth kamp [as a student]... i will ALWAYS remember the times i have had at zyk. like honestly, i always will. :)

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