yes, i AM blogging about some of my recent dorm room purchases that i am extremely happy with. get over it. so for those of you who don't know... the theme word for my dorm (or my SIDE of the dorm) is "mis-matched". i am not much of a theme person so mis-matched seems to work perfectly! i want everything to GO... but not match. i LOVE when things are NOT matching :) therefore... everything i am buying is eclectic and unique and FUN. my dorm room is going to slowly turn into my home for this next year, so i want it to be a fun place to be. so far i have everything from antique plates to hang on the wall to funky pillows for my bed, my room is already a reflection of who i am. here are a few of my latest additions that i am excited about...
these are two throw pillows for on top of my bed
plates. for eating... not decoration. i just love the tree.
this is the shade for a small table lamp... i am the biggest fan of embroidery!
i love that little bird :)
my $2 rug!
i am obsessed with the colors...
a bunch of different fabrics... put on one rug. does it get much better?!
and now to show off some gifts:
jamie painted this mug for me for my birthday! it says "His mercies are new every morning" !! what a great way to START my morning by remembering this truth every time i use this mug. thanks mamie.
kristin got me this re-usable grocery bag! perfect size for a little trip to the store :)
and who could argue with 100% organic cotton?! thanks kb!
and last... a little tribute to my bike. my grandma got me this PERFECT bike basket for herman! (my bike, named by my mom) big thanks to grandma AND to my dad for fixing herman up for me and making sure i will be safe on the streets of flag :)

so there is the dorm update... lots of new things for my new life in flagstaff. i am SO grateful for all of it and cant wait to start using it all! once again, thank you to everyone who so graciously gave me money and gift cards for graduation/my birthday. it has helped so much with buying all this dorm stuff!
oh AND... last thing... thanks MOM (and kristin) for shopping with me! couldnt handle this without you. love you.
i really hope you, whoever you are, had a wonderful thursday :)
i really hope you, whoever you are, had a wonderful thursday :)
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