Monday, September 29, 2008


"the camera can elevate the most lowly object into something magnificent."

its ok if you are jealous of the fact that THIS fun stuff is a big project in one of my design classes this semester... just switch your major to visual communications and YOU can do it too! our assignment was to photograph the alphabet without photographing the real letters. it looks easy... but it was actually alot harder than it seemed.

(to see a bigger version... click here)

i enjoyed this assignment because it forced me to look at something ordinary, and use my own creativity to find its potential as a letter. you all should try this sometime. it is rather fun.


gretchen said...

Incredibly cool Steph! Very neat!! I love it! I love you and your beautiful face. :) keep chasing after him beautiful woman of God

Anonymous said...

i love it, steph. i just read a children's book that was like this but with paintings. you're so talented! :)

Dallas said...

stephanie! its dallas... saw in your facebook status you have a blog! this is the coolest... i am totally impressed by the head phone "g" and waterbottle "Q"! and everything else. you've wowed me :)