Sunday, November 9, 2008

PK, Jeannie, & Baby Tanner

this afternoon i had the joy of shooting this wonderful new family! Baby Tanner is just over 2 months old and what a little stud he is! Jeannie and PK are awesome parents, can you tell by the chuck taylors? they even made the FAST drive up to flagstaff while watching the storm clouds form, just knowing once they arrived it would start to rain. i said a few quick prayers that the rain would just hold off for like 45 minutes, just to give us enough time to get the shots i wanted. and whatdya know?! it all worked out perfectly! i think i shot the quickest i ever have before and just as we were finishing up at the last location, it started to... not rain... but SNOW!! it worked out beautifully, literally. the snow was amazing the rest of the evening. i just loved watching Jeannie and PK interact with Tanner and it was such fun taking their first family photos. i know that Tanner is going to grow up in a great and loving home, hopefully with these pictures mounted on the walls :) enjoy you guys... thanks for the great afternoon!!

family family family family.... mmm... so good. :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these are great!! the first ones with the red and the second set with the blue wood are my favorites. awesome job, adorable family! :)