Tuesday, December 30, 2008

the best of 2008

in celebration of the new year, ive decided to post my favorite photographs from each of the 30 photo sessions i have had this past year. 30... can you believe that?! i reeeaaaallyyyy cant. its been so much fun looking back through all of the sessions and remembering all of the great people i have gotten the chance to work with. im just feeling so so blessed to have had a year of doing what i completely love and interacting with so many new and fun people! ive learned so much this year about photography, creativity, design, and service. and i just cannot wait to see what 09 has in store for me, and im lookin forward to sharing whatever that is on this blog with you fine people. so all of these images are in order, starting from january and going all the way through just a couple of days ago. also, these images are introducing one of the many new additions to my blogging for the new year... my very first photo credit! you'll notice my small logo in the corners which is connected to white lines that stretch across all of the images. from now on all of the images from photo sessions that i post on the blog will include the photo credit. like i said, just one of the many small but exciting changes to come in 09! ok, ive talked too much... enjoy the slideshow, and the images that follow!

one thing that will not change in 09 is the reason i do this. it is my desire to point to our true creator in everything that i make. without Him, there is no light, no dark, no beauty, no art.

Hebrews 13:8

happy 09 everybody!

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