Saturday, December 27, 2008

practice makes perfect

greg and alissa are some dear flagstaff friends of mine. they were willing to help me out one day when i wanted to practice for THIS. i'd never shot signs before and wanted to make sure i had the techniques down before THIS. have i mentioned how excited i am about THIS?! so anyways... one saturday afternoon i begged them to model for me. and being the awesome people that they are, they held up "we're awesome" signs for some photos. (instead of "we're pregnant" like THIS) i just looooove the way they turned out, and i got stoked for THIS photo shoot. i mean stoked. so here is my practice photo shoot with greg and alissa, which ended up being a real photoshoot, just with really awkward signs... which i loved. tell me if you do!
big thanks and shout out my friends greg and alissa, whom i miss very much.

1 comment:

Dianna and Alex said...

Wow...these photos look amazing! I just love the 2nd and last ones!!! You are go great at what you do!