Saturday, August 30, 2008

really good stuff.

i went on a nice little bike ride through downtown flagstaff today and stopped by really good stuff... the thrift store that the beautiful mel k introduced me to. i just love thrift stores. to the max. i wanted to buy so many things but now that i am a poor college student i was only allowed to look. its even sad for me to pass up merchandise that is under $5... that is usually my cut off point for thrift store shopping. anyways... if i wasnt a college student and i wasnt living in a dorm, these lovely items would have most definitely made it home with me: !!
how did i leave the store without these beauties?! can you imagine how wonderful these would be with some funky lamp shades! ok i cant talk about it, im getting depressed.and this dresser... i just loved it. my vision for this would be to replace the knobs and handles with all different kinds! oh and just picture the (above) orange lamps on each end of this dresser. to die for? you know how i said i couldnt buy anything...? well, i did. im sorry but i couldnt resist! these head scarves were each $1! thats like... less than a soda. so... no soda for me today i guess :)
after really good stuff, i just rode my bike around and snapped photos of colorful sights downtown. flagstaff is such a colorful city and i am soaking up every bit of it i can!

Saturday, August 23, 2008

flowers of the sun

"...walk out into the fields and look at the wildflowers. They never primp or shop, but have you ever seen color or design quite like it?"

Monday, August 18, 2008

the lovely tori!

i took some quick headshots for some acting work tori is pursuing lately! it takes guts to put yourself out there like she is. hopefully these photos will just add to her personality and snag her a few roles!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

a wonderful family

i had a great morning snapping some photos of this wonderful family! and just look how stylin' they are! i just love em... they all have such fun together and they're always making eachother laugh. it is always a joy to be around them. i know that one of God's purposes for the family is to support and encourage one another and this has been proven true to me in the short time i have known this family. i am just so glad to know each one of them. thanks for putting up with the heat you guys! (i feel like i say that every post... but it seriously is almost unbearable!) and enjoy some photos:oh... and this one is a special request by audrey:
i guess she's really into roosters...? haha

Friday, August 15, 2008

alex + kelsey

i spent the evening with kelsey and alex trying out a couple new spots i found. these two laugh so much together... making it easy to get some good shots. (see previous post: "its good for the soul") they were such fun to work with! here are a few of my favorites from the session:

we all know i cant resist tile...

Wednesday, August 13, 2008


i saw this sight driving the other day...
i wanted to follow it...
a truck load of wicker baskets and such... how perfect.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

its good for the soul...

laughing is a MUST for every photo session i do. why, you ask? because its good for the soul. and photos are all about capturing the image of your soul. so when your soul feels good, the photo is good. so next time i am taking your picture, and i make really lame jokes, please laugh. that is all :)

Saturday, August 9, 2008

amanda, david, and gracie!

i have been looking forward to my very first maternity session with amanda for quite some time. its been tough, but i've had to wait anxiously for little baby Gracie to grow and get bigger. and that is exactly what she has done! amanda is expecting to give birth to this already beautiful baby girl some time in november. i was fortunate enough to spend the evening with this new mama chatting and learning about her and little Gracie. what an awesome mom amanda already IS! she was SUCH a trooper! i had her sitting and standing here and there and all in the arizona heat. she was so great. and david, the new papa, joined us for some shots later in the evening. he, like amanda, is already a wonderful parent and is so excited to meet his daughter. i just know this little girl is going to bring so much joy into the lives of an already joyful couple. what a neat opportunity it was so photograph the small beginnings of this family.introducing david: the daddy.big thanks to amanda and david for braving the heat with me. and major props to amanda for being PREGNANT and braving the heat. i think these shots were worth it though, yeah?!