Monday, January 5, 2009

25 years of THIS!

the zigs! love them! i spent the morning photographing this newly wed couple... ok, well they're not really newly weds. but by the looks of things, you'd never know! the zeiglers are awesome, wonderful people who are still SO in love after 25 years of marriage. they happen to be the proud parents of this best friend of mine, natalie. so this morning i had so much fun documenting some of this complete love between mr. and mrs. zig that continues to seem stronger every time i am around them. the zigs are one of the many examples i have in my life of a couple whose love is grounded in the love of jesus first, before all other things. they strive to serve Him first before all else, and then they serve eachother. both of which are so clear and evident when you are around them. i just could not be more thankful for the leadership, friendship, and wisdom they have provided in my life. congratulations to YOU zigs on your 25th! here's to 25 more! (and i WILL be taking pictures of them for their 50th anniversary, we already started making plans) this one makes my heart leap.


Aunt Kathi said...

i LOVE these pics!
i LOVE this couple MORE!
i LOVE this photographer the MOST!

You are so talented Steph! When can you take pictures of me and make me look good?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe I haven't seen this post until now, but nevertheless I really love these pictures. The first one might be my favorite. Or the ones sitting on the stairs. Great job.