Thursday, January 22, 2009


-participation required!-remember how i told you about that design project im starting on? the logo for the donut shop? well, yesterday i had 50 rough thumbnail sketches due and now i have to narrow it down to 4. here is where you come in. if you wouldnt mind... post a comment letting me know which 4 i should continue to work on and refine for MORE sketches i have due next week. the logos have different names and theme ideas which is also something to consider when picking your favorites. pleeeaaaase help me ditch some of these little guys. and try to look past the roughness of some of these... 50 thumnails is alot.hole in the wall would be your classic neighborhood donut bakery, kinda sketchy, but great donuts. the theme for this one would be pretty urban with alot of brick design incorporated. glazed will be that newer, modern donut shop. ya know, like those places that take simple and classic food and make it a delicacy. all design for this place would be modern and simple. so simple. the donut shop, donut delight, and the donut factory would all be the standard peppy donut shops. similar to dunkin donuts. bright colors, cool employee visor hats, sprinkles... you get the idea.
so my moms name is dee. and i figured... dee. donuts. dee's donuts. why not? sounds cute. i picture this shop being more along of the lines of that tiny bakery that one woman (dee) owns and she makes all the donuts herself and she hires highschool kids to help her out. so precious. anyway, this one would involve very little design and either focus on the typography of the name or the simple design of the donut.
--------->doesnt this make you want a donut? im experiencing that craving more and more lately.

ok well any and all help is appreciated. have i told you lately that i think you're rad.


janae said...

Steph...I want a donut!
Ok, I like the "hole in the wall", The first two glazed and the donut delight one. They are all so great though! Great Job!

Joshua and Audrey said...

These are sooo GREAT! My favorites are... the thumbnail with the big G on it (glazed), the donut shop (with the plate of donuts on it), and numero tres is the one with the big donut with your moms name in it! Now, Im hungry for a tasty donut!!!

Kelsey W said...

"g" glazed, donut shop, & donut delite are my faves! the dee's concept is really cute too. i dont know how you do it but this project looks like its off to an amazing start! now that im all into it you have to keep me posted! :) PS: my word that i have to type for Blogger's word verification is "dunin"...which is only one letter away from "dunkin"..donuts! coincidence? i think NOT! hahah

Anonymous said...

four words. hole in the wall.

Unknown said...

My vote is for Glazed, I loved all of the designs. It could mean the donuts or the customers BEFORE they have a donut and cup of coffee. Great job Steph.

Anonymous said...

well i really love the idea of Dee's Donuts...but that may just be my personal bias coming through. i think if you want to place the shop in flag you should go with hole in the wall, but if you wanted to do scottsdale, go with glazed. they all look pretty great!

Aunt Kathi said...

I like donut delight, glazed (the one with the word going through the donut), and hole in the wall. I like the Dee's concept too and my favorite of those is the donut with her name in the hole but I would like it better in color because it kinda makes me think of a fried egg too. You could also play on the word "delicious" with that one! Hole in the wall is probably my favorite! I think they are all fantastic!!! Love you!!!

Unknown said...

i like the third set of them...Retro :)