Wednesday, January 14, 2009

here's the thing.

for the past few days i have been desperately trying to update my blog. for the past few days my internet has been totally not working and definitely not letting me update my blog. for the past few days i have been really frustrated and upset about this problem. for the past few days i have been practicing patience.
i have moved back up to flagstaff for spring semester. campus is covered in snow and goodness and love. and i love it.

i am taking an awesome design class that i am so stoked on. our first project is as follows: we have been given a restaurant type (italian, mexican, chinese, blah blah blah) and we get to name it whatever we want AND we are creating logos/design themes for it! you probably can guess how excited i was when i opened up my piece of paper i was given to find that i am assigned.... A DONUT SHOP!! i already have so many ideas. and 50 thumbnail sketches due next week! aaaaaah. i will keep you updated on this project as it progresses.

my spring semester 09 resolution is to go to bed before 12 on the weeknights. and that is completely changing my life. so far i have stuck to it and i could not be happier with this goal i have made. and yes, i am aware of the fact that this is probably the lamest resolution everrrrr. but does this look like a face that cares?
didnt think so.

jesus is rockin my world. i have started inviting him into my days again and he is rocking them. i love him.

and now a letter to you, my dear friend:

hello. how are you? i hope the answer is swell. please write back and tell me one word that sums up your christmas/new years season. and yes, i am talking to YOU. the person reading this right now. have a splendid night.
ok so i will hopefully be posting some new stuff soooooon, if my internet will allow it. even typing this i am beginning it feel its anger towards me. so i better go. its almost 12 anyways.
go outside and look at the stars,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm fabulous. i knew you were wondering.
i'm also anxious for you to post up the contest, that better be happening cause i have definitely been studying.
i love you girl
and i want to come up and hang out with you in the wonderful nau-ness.

ps. im in LOVE with this playlist you have going on.
you get me.