sdlfjshdfkjsd... love this ...asfkjsdfhlsjdkf
ined it to me) i loved it. i would have to agree that it is perfect for the documentation of this journey mel is wrapping up and the journey she is about to begin.

did i mention mel was wearing adorable patterned rain boots and a yellow hat? loved.
me: "ok now kick your feet and laugh at yourself"
for these next few images, i would recommend getting on itunes and playing vitamin c's "graduation" song. im just sayin...
and that pretty much sums up my evening in beautiful flagstaff with beautiful melissa.
mel: thank you for sticking with it and graduating so we can take pictures like this. i know that is the motivation that got you through these past 4 years : )
everyone else: how has your weekend been? mines obviously been good. i hope your week is splendid and next weekend is even splendider? more good? ok, BETTER. yeah thats it.
ps. next to one of the spots we were taking pictures, there was this door. on a second story. leading to nowhere. i snapped a photo of it to hopefully post on FAIL BLOG! which by the way is a new obsession of mine. a website dedicated to laughing at things in our world that just fail and do not make sense. like, a crosswalk on a street in between two walls?? or... an inflatable dart board?? oh man, hilarious. please tell me you will go spend a ridiculous amount of time looking around that website and laughing. you could even post me a comment telling me your favorite FAILS. anyways, here it is. i hope to get it on the fail blog website asap:
(note: some of the posts on fail blog are inappropriate so there is an option to only view PG rated posts)
These are so perfectly Melissa and I love them! You did a great job turning the cliche cap-n-gown pictures into so much more, they actually have her personality in them! Great job photographing such a beautiful, accomplished lady! :)
Steph! Great photo shoot...loved it. AND...Andrew & I share your love for Fail blog. We practically check it daily! Have you seen the "parking fail" one? It's newer, maybe posted end of week last week. Hilarious. Anyway- I'm glad to see you're doing so well! Hope your week is great!
Mel and steph---LOVE these. they are precious. :) Love you both, too.
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