Monday, April 13, 2009

glazed menu

sometime last week i posted an image of the latest design piece ive been working on. you can see that here. i expressed some of my frustration and stress over this project and how annoying of a process it has been for me to put my ideas on the computer. our project: menus. for our restaurant. remember glazed? so i had to design and create a menu for glazed. a donut shop! are there even menus for donut shops?! we're talkin multiple spread, front/back cover design, full on LAYOUT menus. sound easy? well it probably would have been. IF i wouldnt have been going through such a creative dry spell. it took several drafts and mock ups to get to what im about to show you, and you will even be able to see a HUGE difference from the image i showed last and the finished product. it is amazing how quickly and drastically my mind and therefore my art will change. however, i must say i am pretty proud of  the changes and the outcome. looking at it now, all printed and ready to be handed in, i see many things i might change on it. but overall i feel that i once again accomplished the simple modern and fun atmosphere i would want Glazed to have. because most donut shops DONT have menus, i designed this so that it would easily be enlarged to turn into big panels that would hang on the wall above the counter where the glazed employees would work in their cool clothes and green aprons. but i mean i havent really thought about it TOO much : ) but for now they will just be 8x8 folded up menus for people to look at while they wait in line. laaaaaaame.
front and back cover
(it folds in half so the right side of this image is the front and the left side is the back)
wouldnt the front of this be awesome wall paper for the restaurant? brown dots with random green accent dots? i think YES.)
inside double spread
(also folds in half but it looks just like you see here)
so the left side is a list of all the donuts glazed offers and the right side is cleverly title "the dough" meaning the prices.

so there you have it. easily turned into 30x30 wall panels for people to come in and awkwardly stare at while they make their decision. love that.

if it bothers you that glazed is a real place in my mind, i apologize. i can see how that would get annoying after a while. so sorry.

summer is rapidly approaching and i could not be more excited. ah the countless days full of sleeping in, driving around the valley with no where to be on time, and most importantly... water. lots and lots of water. blissssssss.

for now, i will hang in there.
you better be doin the same.



Anonymous said...

I really love the inside of the menu...donuts and clever!

pilarkeating said...

ok so this is a TRUE story
so i was reading this entry and and i was like wow this is stinkin awesome, then i looked at the donut menu and i thought to myself, "wow, i really want a donut right now" so i opened a new window, used my favorite search engine, GOOGLE and in the search bar i wrote, "Glazed donut locations" and nothing came up for a place called Glazed, then i used my brain and remembered this was a project.
i was disappointed.
but i love the layout, its fab!

pilar keating
your biggest fan.

janae said...

Steph...LOVE IT! The donuts and the dough...fabulous. I wish I had a million dollars and could open a donut shop like glazed. Let's be honest...the world needs one.