Sunday, May 3, 2009

ginny & katie

when ginny asked if i would take some photos of she and her roommate katie i was obviously happy to do so. i met ginny this year at NAU in my dorm bible study through intervarsity. getting to know ginny each wednesday night this year as we uncovered more about who jesus is was such a blessing on my freshman year. ginny has a strong desire to serve and lead others in the body of christ and i have enjoyed learning from her myself. she would totally be a sweet roommate. and anyone would be able to see that she and katie have had a blast living together this year. from what i know of katie, she is such a sweet girl-----> constantly smiling. thats one thing i learned about her in the short time we spent photographing today. and anyone who is constantly smiling is constantly spreading joy. so i like her. we had some fun out in the windy bipolar weather of flagstaff this afternoon, riding bikes and laughing. seeeeeeeeeeee.......

(by the way, ginny is in the white and katie is in the pink)

ginny says she likes my laugh, but i like hers waaaaay more...

what a fun year these two must have had. obviously any pair of roommates that wants photos taken to document their roomie bond is totally fun and awesome. and to think they didnt even know eachother back in august?! oh man, i love random roommate assigning. if you are heading to college, i fully recommend it.

ginny&katie: thank you for randomly being assigned to eachother as roommates and just being super fun and cute girls. makes for good pictures ya think?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great photos, random for us is His great plan.