today the blog notified me that its had 10,000 hits. say whaaaaaaa? where do you people come from? i dont know but i like it.
i love the photo ive attached for many reasons. the sweet tree swing, my moccasins (r.i.p), the unflattering angle (not). but most of all i love the message that it seems to give. i think its a message of freedom. this past year ive learned so so much about who i want to be and what i want to offer for my present and future "clients". (ha, i still feel way weird about using that word) but the more that ive thought about it and the more opportunities ive had to meet and work with such amazing people, im finding that i have complete freedom in what i want to do. yes, of course when i work with people i want to give them exactly what they want and need, but at the same time, im finding such a release from the pressures and demands that a corporate business world seems to offer. everything you see on this blog is my art. its a part of who i am. whether its a picture of two people in love, a graduating senior, or a poster i design for class... its all how i see things, how i view the world around me. theres freedom there. freedom to see and create what truly moves me.
i recently told someone: "hey listen, im gonna create art forever. if no one looks at it or likes it, sweet. if someone looks at it and likes it, even better. and if someone looks at it, likes it, and even wants to pay me for it, then that is just too cool for words." to me that kinda wraps up my philosophy right now. truly the most important reason this blog exists is to provide an opportunity for me to document, observe, and create some life. like i said, if you like it, thats so great. if you dont, still great. but i do, and as long as i like it, i'll keep doing it. so the fact that there are some of you out there who do like it and keep coming back here just lights up my heart. if you want to hear more about why this blog exists, check out the about me section, featured on the nav bar at the top. (bet you didnt even know there was an 'about me' section, huh?)
alright im gonna stop being all deep and emotional, sometimes you just need it though ya know? its saturday and there are a few fun things to come this weekend so stay tuned!
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