phil wickham. my favorite male music artist. he's got these genuine simple words that just seem to say it all. anyone that knows me knows my obsession for a certain song of his but this post is about another one ive recently become obsessed with. i've added it to the bottom playlist because i want you to listen to it everyday, seriously every day, reminding yourself of Gods great unfathomable power and control of these lives we tend to think are our own. i need to ask God for this reminder each day, and i've found this song has helped me to do so.
I want to hear the thunder of who You are
To be captured inside the wonder of who You are
I want to live I want to breathe
To search out Your heart and all of Your mysteries
here is a youtube link of phil playing the song live. i could watch this video 34 times a day, and i think i do. he's got this passion when he sings the words that is so transparent and REAL. oh, but please ignore his ridiculous hair.
and here's a little treat for you all, simple because... its thursday. and thursday IS the new friday around here. this is me and mel the other day... just playin some dress up. im in the green, but im diggin those red pumps mel is workin.
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