Monday, October 12, 2009

piece of cake?

i need your help!

our next project in my web design class is to redesign a website for a local flagstaff business. we needed to make sure that the business we chose needed some obvious work done on their site. (in other words, their website is terrible) i chose to work with a local bakery here in town called Caked. its the sweetest little bakery over on the east side of town with a website that gives off the OPPOSITE vibe. makes me so mad. so im redoing it! first things first... logo redesign! im working with these two options below. im kind of going for a hand drawn element mixed with sophisticated type.

ya'll know how this goes : ) if you could post a comment saying which one you feel is more successful and WHY i would so so sooo appreciate it.

option #1

option #2

(to consider when making your decision) the bakery exterior is pink and white so im thinking i'd like to play off of that for the background of the site. possibly something like this:
other things to consider:
-a logo for a bakery will not only appear on signage and business cards, but also on boxes/bags for their delicious treats
-a website logo appears somewhere on every page of the site. (typically smaller in the center, left, or right corner)

also give me any and all suggestions you may have! im open to hearing what you think would work best for the bakery.

thanks for helpin a sister out!



pilar said...

#2. classy
love it

Jaimie D said...

if you're going for classy, def #2. but #1 is more casual and gives the vibe that the place can do more than just fancy cakes (if thats what they do..)! love the idea for the pink background :)

casshenderson said...

Here is what I think, number two is way classy and looks so sick. I love how the outside white C encompasses the middle grey C and the color scheme is supper gradual which is awesome, it all flows really well together. GOOD JOB. One thing I would say is that it is REALLY classy, maybe too classy for our little local Caked.

Number one, super awesome. I like the overall design, and the font choice, very nice. The colors aren't as gradual and I feel like maybe that takes away a little something from it? Also, I think maybe caked should be a different color from the outline, just a little bit of a different color though. Really sick design, the overall feel I think fits little local Caked better than the other one, like I feel like it's already the logo. GOOD WORK TOPPER!

Love ya,

Kristin said...

i'd go #2 because i think that #1 is cute but kind of looks like marshmallows stacked on top of each other. i really love #2.


Joel said...

Hmm.. I would go with number 2. It just looks more like a logo than number one. I can just see it on the website, on windows, and signs on the store in flag. :)

The pink, and design in the pink will go really well with the website. I can't wait to see the finished product.

You are so talented!

Audrey Henderson said...

Well... I think that numero uno takes the cake! Ha ha!
I am not 100% sold on the colors for the cake and words but I love the design. Its classy and fun!

aichili said...

i like both, but #1 looks more approachable....if that makes sense. :-)

Jamie said...

i like them both a lot but i'm gonna have to go with #1. im getting a better vibe from it for some reason.


Ashley Boelter said...

The first one, the second one is too serious. But I feel like it could be a little bit more saturated. Nice work!

Unknown said...

i was immediately drawn to number one!! i love it. it is simple and classic, but approachable (i think someone mentioned that). i like number two, but i just think it should say the whole name of the business :/
anyway, i am NO expert!! haha good luck lovey, youre great :)

Unknown said...

It is #1, love it!

Hillary M. said...
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Hillary M. said...

depends on whether the business is a more casual place or upscale...

i like the second better but only if it fits the setting. it definitely is more classy and sophisticated. reminds me of a place that might sell a lot of wedding cakes?

and the pink background is perf! :)

Stephanie said...

My vote is for numero uno. I like that the company's full name is there, where as with the second one it could just be someone's personal monogram.

Julie said...

one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one one

love you.

Julie said...

also, your friend ashton is here with me, and she says one, too. (I didn't even tell her to say it.) but, i read the description to her of "cute little bakery, etc..." and she said she immediately identified that with number 1!

Unknown said...

i think it depends on the shop. #1 is casual and super cute (it's my personal fav.) However, if the store is trying to go for a more sophistocated look, I'd pick #2. And as a side note, a piece of cake sounds delicious!

Cristen said...

loving number one. i had already thought it might be my choice before i saw the second one. either way they're both great cuz you're awesome but my vote goes to numbah one! :)
and the pink for the background is perfect.