Monday, November 9, 2009

some self.

good friend of mine ashley b took some sweet pics of me the other day. the following is what she came up with:

i wish i could say those leaves were naturally blown like that

i felt like dancing. and ashley had to remind me to be aware of what my facial expressions were. exhibit a:

ashley teaches a fun little photo course for some friends and they came along to "watch & learn". in other words, make me laugh and dance with me. i made them all dance with me so i didnt feel like an idiot. it didnt work, i still felt like an idiot.

im probably laughing at one of andrews disgusting knock knock jokes... more like saying "what the heck?"

im so glad ive met ashley up here in flag. she's such a strong and fun leader to me and i love hanging out with her. we're photographing another wedding together in february!


Ashley Boelter said...

This is my personal favorite blog you've ever posted. Just kidding. But you're awesome!

Unknown said...

i have the cutest best friend ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!