Saturday, November 14, 2009

kb... the graduate.

i cannot believe she's done. college. where did the time go?? werent we like just playing barbies on the floor? i thought so. but apparently not, because my sister kristin graduates from arizona state university on december 17th! how cool is that? i want to be done with school forever. except, the difference between she and i is that once i graduate, i never want to go back into the classroom. and once SHE graduates, she's gonna practically live in the classroom. kristin is graduating with a degree in bilingual elementary education... at least i think thats what its called. she's worked long and hard to graduate a semester early and its almost here! she took an overnight trip up to flagstaff so we could take some photos for her announcement and such. she certainly picked a great weekend to make the trip up north because it was cold, rainy, and snowy all day. but she braved the freeeeezing weather and we got some great shots. one thing i found out in the process was that i need some mittens. mittens with the finger holes so i can wear them while shooting. i cant even wait to get some, my fingers were just freezing today. anyway, here are the photos:

we figured a school bus would be fitting... ya know, the whole education thing.

reppin the maroon and gold... sick.

kristin LOVES reading. so we stopped by this awesome book store to get a little creative.
im so proud of my sister and excited for this exciting new part of her life. i love her a whole lot, and im glad she got to come up and spend some time with me. cant wait for graduation and its many festivities!

ps: i just thought of another thing i can do with finger hole mittens... TYPE! yes.


mel b said...

these are so so so great! love all of them! and i love kristin. a lot. kb...are those long & leans??

Kristin said...

steph, i love them. thank you thank you. and mel...of course they are.

Anonymous said...

OH MY GOODNESS! I absolutely LOVE, LOVE, LOVE every single picture! You two make a great team, you with your amazing photography skills and Kristin with her amazingly beautiful smile. Just can't go wrong! I love Kristin too and think it's funny when Mel and Kristin speak "gap" and I'm pretty sure it's probably been less than a year since any of you girls played with Barbies! Love you! Aunt Kathi

Jamie said...

IN LOVE with the first one. and well.. all of them. but the first one especially. love you kristin!!

Stephanie said...

These are fantastic! :) How fun to be able to hang with your sister and take great photos. Well done!