Thursday, November 26, 2009

what am i thankful for?

are you kidding? no blog post i will ever write will even come close to describing how truly thankful i am for everything the Lord has blessed me with. so is it even worth a shot? probably not. but ive compiled a list of some things im thankful for this year and i'd like to share it with you. these really arent in order even though its going to seem like they are. and like i said, this in no way comes close to listing EVERY thing and EVERY one im thankful for. but here it goes:

1. grace. something that Jesus made possible with His sacrifice on the cross. the possibility for selfish, messy, & broken people like myself to spend a lifetime with the risen KING.

(warning: these next 2 are going to seem way too general but read on)

2. family. we couldnt be any crazier, really. but i wouldnt change a thing. i am constantly learning, laughing, and simply enjoying when im around them and im in love with the character of each of them. they understand who i am and support that. my family cares, which is something not everyone can say. (by the way, super old picture)

3. friends. i've got THE greatest in the whole world. i dont care who wants to argue this, try me. maybe its because they just "get me" or because we never stop laughing when we're together...? but there is definitely something about each and every one of my friends that is something i dont think i could live without. they help, listen, care, love, need, laugh, speak in the most perfect ways and i question so often how one girl could be so blessed by friendship. (jamie, natalie, randi, shea, casscatie)

4. joel douglas. i even more frequently ask how HE puts up with me. you guys wouldnt believe all of the things that this [handsome] young man has taught me in the 3 years ive known him. let alone all of the fun we've had together. he is thoughtful, kind, dedicated, hard working, and passionate and that doesnt even begin to describe his heart that i hold so close to mine. i wish you all could know him a little bit better, because i know you'd not only be impressed, but excited about who he is.

5. my church family. ive never experienced a tighter or more passionate community of people that love God and strive to do His will. everyone there is a part of my family and i know i can call on them to support and stand behind me. fellowship takes on a whole new meaning when im around these people. again, we're laughing about 92% of our time together. our pastor and staff has a heart to see a unified body of Christ serving and loving in the name of Jesus. i couldnt be more honored to be a part of this church family.

6. nau. i realize that education is a gift. im so grateful for the opportunity to seek a degree in a field of study that im absolutely obsessed with at a school that continues to captivate me. learning, mountains, community of people, intervarsity, snow, BEAUTY. its all found there and its all so so cool.

7. photography/graphic design. two things that inspire me to think creatively. two things that have given me the opportunity to meet and work with some of the greatest people. two things that show a little bit more of who i am and the way i see the world. two things that provide a source of income, cant complain. i just love these two things.

if you're a part of my life and not mentioned by name here, please know that i AM thankful for you. there are so many reasons i have to be thankful today and all of you contribute to one of those. because you see, even you being here and visiting my blog is an opportunity to be thankful. so thanks! i encourage you all to make your own list of a few things you're thankful for. but take the time to list out the reasons WHY and specifics, im telling you you'll be glad you did. 

and here is one of my favorite thanksgiving pictures of all time. jamie and i a few years ago acting like crazy moms looking at the black friday advertisements in the papers.

happy thanksgiving to you!

1 comment:

cass said...

like (thumbs up)