Saturday, December 19, 2009


yesterday i met up with bonnie and her 3 year old son cruz. cruz is guatemalan and has the sweetest little face. but let me tell you this boy knows how to play. i could barely keep up with him as i chased him around with my camera. it took a while for him to warm up to the whole idea but eventually he must have figured out "ok this lady isn't going to leave me alone" because he gave me some shots like these:

cruz loooooovves his momma. and bonnie is such a fun mom. she plays right alongside her little guy and you can tell they have so much fun together. they make a good team.

they brought along some of cruz' favorite hats including this authentic guatemalan beanie... too cute!! i think i need one.

it sure was an exhausting but oh so fun time capturing this curious and adventurous 3 year old. i know cruz & bonnie have so many fun years ahead of them. its always so fun meeting new people and hearing their stories and being able to document that with my camera. 

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