Monday, May 5, 2008

the lovely jmac

story time: i was headed to a meeting today and the line to turn left at a light was simply outrageous, so i decided to take a small detour and stumbled upon... my new favorite location. !!!!! most of you who know me know that once i get an idea in my head, it has to happen. i get excited/anxious/impatient/pumped up way too easily. seriously, its scary. so you can imagine what i did when i found this spot... found a model. asap. and who better than miss jessica mcdonald?! she absolutely ROCKED this photo shoot and i could not have been more pleased with the results:

and some laughing shots to leave you with...
so here's to having photo shoots for no reason but to have some fun! jess, you were a terrific model and just too much fun. love ya girl. anyone else looking for some random photo fun? talk to me.


Anonymous said...

LOVE THESE!!! i am such a good inspiration for laughter ;) cant wait til you shoot me! (with your camera of course... dont bring any of your dads artilery...) love you.

Anonymous said...

These have great color quality and composition.

The Marquardt Family said...

SOOOO CUTE! I love this spot. YOu are so talented and amazing! Love ya girl