Saturday, September 20, 2008


it is days like these when i remember some things:

1. i love flagstaff

2. i love photographing

3. i love knowing the people i know

regarding #3 on that list... i know these two models. hillary and alissa. my new flagstaff friends. can i just tell you that these girls know how to WORK IT in front of the camera?! we spent most of the day roaming around campus and walking downtown taking fun photos that captured the beautiful girls AND the beautiful town. i tell you friends, we live in the sweetest place.

the girls started out the day in lovely white dresses:

could this spot have been any more naturally and perfectly lit? (the answer is no.)

later in the day... we took it up a notch:

told ya...


we got to the tracks just before the train came...

...and then i had the girls dance next to it while it passed!

such a wonderful day!

so now back up to that list all the way at the beginning of this post... now you see just a small reason why flagstaff is so special, why i love taking pictures, and why i love these girls. they OWNED this shoot. i had a blast hangin with my two great friends :) of course we had to get a shot together...

i hope everyone else had as perfect of a day as i did!

(oh! and if you are reading this, and NOT leaving a comment... two words: not cool.)


Anonymous said...

like steph, they are so amazing.
i want to come see you & you can take cool
pictures of me, in gorgeous flagstaff.
but i would also just like to see your lovely face.

Julie said...

these are MUN-TEY!!!! Steph, for real. i think the cool flagstaff air is taking your photography to a whole new level. LOOOVVEEE them! way to go.

Oh my gosh---when it is the mitchell girls' turn?!? :)

miss you mucho.


bond said...

wow, i felt like you were talking directly to me in that last part of your blog...i get it, i get it! :) but seriously, i love your photos!!! you are so immenseley talented is totally blows my mind!!! can't wait to get in on one of your shoots!

jamiejo said...


Irish Girl said...

You don't know me, my name is Heather, and I was Hillary and Alissa's "counselor" back home... I had them in my cabin at camp and they have been "my girls" ever since. You are right, they are beautiful, and wonderful models!
I'm so glad that you guys have become friends, I keep seeing you in all their facebook pics, and on Alissa's blog... so thank you for the friendship you have shown them!
I miss them, and seeing all these pics gives me a small glimpse into their college experience!
Sorry so long!!! :)
OH, and you are an AMAZING photographer... keep chasing that dream, you have a gift!

One Blessed Family said...

Steph! The Lord has truly blessed you with a most wonderful gift!! I can't thank you enough for taking amazing pictures of our beautiful baby to be. So many of our friends have complimented on them... and soon after they have their babies are interested in haveing you take pictures of their new bundles.
We will be calling you around Christmas for Gracelyn's first photoshoot!! However you batter have a price for us this time!! You deserve it girl!!! So be thinking of a price and we will talk to you soon!