Saturday, September 13, 2008

umm.... hello.

blog world! hows it goin? i like how i always type on here as if people read this. well, in case you havent noticed, the blog has been... how you say... neglected these past few weeks. this saddens my soul because for a while i was posting like craaazzzyyy on this thing. and loving it, might i add :) this neglect has been caused by a few things. the main reason being that i have begun my college life up here in flagstaff! college has been tons of fun so far but also very busy. giving me little time to snap photos. but i can assure you that photos ARE coming! pleeaaassseee stay with me a little longer and you WILL see some good stuff on here. promise. on another note... my sister mel leaves for africa on MONDAY! can you believe it?! craaazzzyyy. head on over to her blog to stay updated on what she is up to over there. as a tribute to her and this crazy new adventure, im leaving you with this old photo of us. love you mel. stay to all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cute. We loved those shirts! Love you.