Monday, December 1, 2008

families families and more families

its that time of year folks: family picture time! no matter where you are at this time of year, there seems to always be a family posing for a picture. side of the road next to a giant cactus, front yard, in a park, everywhere i tell you! and i love it. especially when i get the chance to be behind the camera! while i was home this past week i had the privilege of taking pictures of a few wonderful families. all of which i will be designing christmascards for, so be on the look out for those come january :) i wanted to post a blog sharing some of my favorite photos from each of the families. and it looks like you've found yourself reading it. it happens.
so first came the most wonderful bond family...miss pam, amy, and ryan have been a part of my life since... well... before i was born. amy and ryan were ALWAYS our go to babysitters. boy do i feel bad for those two. me and mel were a HANDFUL on our own and then add kristin to the mix... yikes. and miss pam has always been such a dear friend to my parents and a constant role model for my sisters and i. it was a JOY to spend time with such great friends of the family who ARE family.i forgot to mention that anthony, amys boyfriend, joined us for the session. he is such a great guy and practically a part of the family. he and amy are fun to be in line was the cashen family! jaimie has been a good good friend of mine all throughout my middle and high school years. i just love this girl to death so when she asked if i would take some family photos, of course i JUMPED at the opportunity. the cashens are such a sweet family and it was such fun for me to spend some time interacting with them. while jaimie, her younger brothers, and parents all smiled for the camera, they couldnt help but miss older brother kyle who is currently serving on a mission in brazil. kyle, if by some unlikely chance you randomly find yourself on this blog, know that you are loved and missed at home. and now, i give you, the cashen fam:
jaimie and the bros...super rad parents...and last but absolutely never never NEVER least would the the beautiful bagwell family! these folks have been such a HUGE blessing to me throughout my whole life. i have always enjoyed their company and could share special memories about each member of their family. i am so thankful to have grown up with such awesome families like them, always knowing they were there to support me and help me grow. we had to snap some quick shots over thanksgiving while the whole family was together, just as it was getting dark. little chloe is such a doll and jamie and julie did their best getting her to smile. here is my favorite of this awesome awesome family:
lots of families, lots of love.
speaking of which, are ya livin in it today?
i certainly hope so.
oh and could you leave me a comment? i'd love to hear from you. pleeeeeeaaaaase. oh! especially if you're one of those people who reads my blog that i dont know about. i LOOOVE hearing from "your kind" of people.

in the closing of this thanksgiving season, i am leaving you with this completely random but most amazing photo of myself as a child. dressed in indian clothes that i definitely made at school. also, a photograph from a dominican republic mission trip that i do not believe i have shared.
just a few random ones that i have recenetly found. and i thought... why not? i wish i would think that thought more. hmm... something to ponder. ok, end of


Anonymous said...

I have several things to say:
1. I did not add to the craziness of babysitting...that was all you guys.
2. The family pictures are all great! I'm sure they loved them.
3. That picture of you in your costume is absolutely adorable. I saw that I'm in the background laughing at you...of course.

bond said...

Ha ha ha, don't let Kristen lie to you, she added plenty of craziness to the mix! Thank you so much for taking our pictures...we all love them (please note the change in my facebook profile pic)! And we all love you and your entire family!!!