Sunday, November 16, 2008

christmas card promo [video]


Anonymous said...

that video was incredibly and I don't know why nobody has told you!! I love you and when I have a family, you will for sure be making my christmas card!!!
Love love you

gretchen said...

you are amazing!! The video was rockstar. i just watched it! AMazing!! you are an incredible woman of God!!

I just had a thought. If you are up to it sometime. I would love to see if you could help me put together some pictures of this last year and make something cool out of them. I of course will pay you!

I would love to put together a xmas card of this last year but i don't know how i could get pics to you in time and what they would be of. so many!!! ahhh.

ok well i will shut up now! I LOVE YOU and i think you are amazing!

be love,

Anonymous said...

tops. that video is so cute! its in the dos! miss that place....yes i am avoiding homework right now...but at least im not on facebook? Seriously tho, that video was rad and a half. this was filmed before we were friends. WEIRD. love you SO much. brownies were great tonight..... - SPADE