Monday, December 29, 2008

Demmons Family

this morning i photographed this great little family, which 5 month old Lincoln is the star of. what a stud he is! i had fun tryin to entertain this little guy and get anything close to a smile while mom and dad just held their grins the whole time. the joys of getting babies to smile for the camera. my very little experience photographing kids and/or babies gives me SUCH a greater respect for all those photographers who work at sears or child portrait studios, they're quite the tough crowd to please. but lincoln was a very happy and content kid for most of the session, but like most of my child sessions, towards the end he let us know that enough was enough. the mom in the photos, the (former) ms. mueller, was such an awesome influence and leader for my sister mel throughout her high school years and continues to be today... so naturally i was excited to take some photos of her sweet family, and i know mel will be glad to see these over in africa. thanks demmons family! enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

these are so great! what a good looking family :) my favs are 1,3,6&10. But I LOVE the last one! LD just owns that pic