Saturday, February 28, 2009

lively, lovely, & lustrous

...amongst the dead, defeated, & dull...

!!! FAVORITE !!!

i asked alissa if she would model for some experimental shots in this lot of dead trees ive had my eye on. i really wanted to just mess around with high fashion photography and see what i could come up with because this is soooo not me. but i must say i am rather pleased with what we were able to get and i had FUN. i had alissa laughin with my reactions and facial expressions after i would take the shot and look down to view it in my camera. all i kept saying was "i cant wait to show you, i cant wait to show you!" As we walked up to this tree i was thinkin to myself "man, itd be so rad if she jumped up in there... but ya know, she IS wearing a dress and boots, i could never ask that of her" when all of the sudden alissa goes "do you want me to like... get in the tree?" uhhhhhh. YES. the answer is yes. i could not have been more excited. and look at what we got... brilliant. so once again i owe a huge thanks to alissa for always being an available model who is willing to try anything! i knew i could count on her to deliver at this shoot, and what do ya know?! she did.


Anonymous said...

LOOOOVE these. especially the colors! Beautiful, steph!

Dallas said...

AHHH these are incredi-freaking-ble!!!! :) alissa looks gorgeous & LOVE the outfit (surprise surprise right) & you never cease to amaaaaze.