Monday, February 23, 2009


one of the reasons i get such a joy out of creating things (whether it be photographs, designs, gifts, random crafts, etc.) is because its a time to remember God being the first creator. i like imagining what God must have been feeling and thinking when He was creating man in His own image. Or when he pictured the ocean and its purpose and SPOKE it into existence. in the book of psalms david is praising the father for His creation and he states that "the sky proclaims the work of Your hands" ! how awesome is that. God was the first artist. He envisioned the earth for all it is today and spoke it into existence. creating is also a time for me to praise and glorify God for what He has given us here to see, smell, taste, feel, experience. but one of my favorite parts of creating, is knowing that He made me. He made me with the desires and passions i have for arts and crafts and imagery. He made me with a mind that looks at something and stops to imagine and dream. He (the artist) made the artist within me. i love Him for that. (+ way more things)

i guess i didnt mean to go THAT deep with this post but i just started writing and i just kept goin. but a year or so ago, my best friend natalie (who just got ENGAGED!) made me a book frame, similar to the one below. so naturally when i saw this completely vintage, worn out book at the thrift store i work at i said to myself, "its book frame time." i bought the book, let it sit under my bed for a few weeks, and finally went to town tonight. i just get in these moods where i have a project in mind and i have to do it. tonight, i was in one of those moods. first step: cut the hole. second step: find a picture. third step: cut and paste. fourth step: enjoy.
who could say no to this pattern?!this book is literally falling apart, which is probably my most favorite feature of it.i just love the way it looks propped project:
something with these lovely jars. stay tuned.& after that:
something with this vintage recipe box! this one i am way excited for. again, stay tuned. have you created anything neat lately.................?
food? a hip hop dance? a craft? room decor?

pleeeaaaase tell me about it. you have no idea how much joy i get from hearing about creations.

creating only because He first did,


Anonymous said...

i got to witness the making of this masterpiece.
mmmk beee!!

Anonymous said...

i am disgustingly obsessed with your blog. really its an addiction. steph. im obsessed with you too.
i lahv you/

Gregory Jeffrey said...

umm to answer your question. i could say no to that pattern.