Sunday, February 15, 2009

sam & leaf

my good friend sam is graduating highschool in just a few short months! the funny thing is, he is only days younger than me. but i tease him all the time about being a YEAR behind me (in school). ive known samson since we were about 3 years old and ive loved the kid ever since. we used to saw our graham crackers in half together in sunday school. and make ridiculous videos pretending to be secret agents. oh...those were the days. so me and sam met up to make his momma happy and get some senior photos to send out. sams latest obsession is his volkswagen bus, which he named leaf. after leaf ericson, the first european to land in north america. so the three of us took a drive over to the base of squaw peak and snapped some shots. sam loves the outdoors and most of his passions and interests over the years have involved being outside, enjoying Gods beautiful creation. so we found it fitting for a location like this, especially because sam LOVES to rock climb. im happy with the personality and uniqueness we gave these shots. hope you enjoy them! and sam, not that you have or will ever read my blog... but thanks for makin me laugh like you always do and being such a good pal throughout the years.

(oh. and clap once if you're jealous of his hair.)here is a terrible shot. but i wanted to show leaf in his entirety.for these next few shots, i saw this rock formation that i just HAD to get to. i was unaware of how difficult this would be. so sam led me and my boyfriend canon up the side of this small incline to get there. as we walked up this very rocky and steep ground, i told same "i would sacrifice my face for this camera." it really made me think alot. about me and canons relationship. im super glad i have that awesome warranty for him. these shots were worth the small trek:and just a few images i will leave you with of "the crew"... we've grown up together. and the growing part is almost done. well, kinda. not really. friends. i just love em.

and once again, how lucky am i to get to photograph these friends?! i know i say this alot, but i am so blessed to have these opportunities to celebrate such awesome people!


Aunt Kathi said...

Steph! Samster's pics are AWESOME! Your abilities with a camera blow me away! I'm sure Ms. Becky is thrilled with them. I LOVE YOU!

Anonymous said...

are these for the cover of his rock album? cause thats what it makes me think...especially the ones in front of the rocks..with his torn jeans....i can imagine how the album would sound as i look at the pictures.....

love you :) these are SO good!! how do you keep getting BETTER and better?!?!


Gregory Jeffrey said...

i like the color orange

Anonymous said...

these are awesome. sam is awesome. leaf is awesome.