Tuesday, March 17, 2009

natalie + jared... engaged!

first of all... for those of you who didnt know... NATALIE AND JARED ARE ENGAGED!! i got the chance to come out to nashville, where they go to school, and visit for a few days! its been alot of fun hangin with this best friend and her best man in their neck of the woods. natalie and jared are 100% perfect for eachother. because i know natalie so well, once i started hearing about jared and getting to know him a little through her, i was pumped to meet this guy and watch them interact with eachother. and i DID! in june of 2008 jared got to come out to phoenix to visit natalie, where i was introduced to this mysterious southern boy i had heard so much about. jared was a keeper from the start. i knew it because jared and natalie were my first ever couple or "we're in love" session! any guy who agrees to pose for tons of photos in the hot az summer weather for his girls best friend who he barely knows is  keeper. and thats how i knew. NOT! these two love eachother dearly and you can see it from hundreds and hundreds of miles away. i know i did. they are both smart and passionate leaders with a desire to succeed in whatever they do, and yet they follow and learn from eachother in the best ways. i was WAY excited when we decided to take their engagement photos one of the days while i would be visiting. natalie and i drove around and scoped out some locations beforehand and then went to shooting! we found a great wide open field on the edge of the city as well as some awesome houses and walls towards downtown nashville. what fun we had! well, what fun I had i guess i should say. i wanted to take FULL advantage of being in a completely new place with new locations so i think by the end i had probably exhausted the two of them. but it WAS a FUN and creative afternoon. which i will not argue with. i just cannot wait for the wedding in november and to watch natalie and jared grow with Christ and eachother in a lifetime of love. love you guys! love your love. love it.
jared went to jareds....

ive had such a good time in nashville! spring break... you are good to me.
hope everyones spring break was/IS fabulous!

(the maid of honor!!)
(...had to throw that in there somewhere...)


Anonymous said...

Someone's got talent.... Miss Stephanie Barber, you are awesome! We will love these forever! Thanks for your amazing talent on our family's behalf. Love you girl!
Mrs. Z

Anonymous said...

LOVE it. Great job!! :)

Anonymous said...


Alissa Joy said...

ahhhh maid of honor. best day of your life.

ps. i LOVE the picture of natalie in the white dress and boots and jared is talking in her ear. that needs to go above the mantle and on the invites. they are adorable. natalie is gorgeous. and you are the MAID OF HONOR!!

Aunt Kathi said...

Once again, your talent with the camera completely amazes me! You are so, soo, sooo, soooo, sooooooo good! Of course I also beleive you had two of the very best subjects to photograph! I can't wait to hear about all the locations you used too!

Anonymous said...

Steph!! You are awesome. Thank you for doing this. You have WAY surpassed me in the photo talent area. You've got talent girl.

Love you!

Mr. Z