Tuesday, March 10, 2009

yes... more stuff about Glazed.

i wasnt kidding when i said that this donut shop project was lasting all semester. after finishing the logo project a few weeks ago, ive moved on to working on designing a magazine advertisement for glazed. this project was way more fun for me to work on. totally in my element. right after i got this assignment ideas were bouncing around like crazy in my head. it was such fun for me to watch these come to life. yesterday i sat in my design class for 2 and a half hours finalizing these two ads i had come up with. constantly calling my professor over and get a second opinion. and surprise surprise... i couldnt make up my mind! both of these advertisements are SO different and they both involve very different design elements so it was verrrry difficult to decide on just ONE to print and submit. so here they both are! (curse my indecisiveness) which do YOU think i ended up choosing?
my first job was getting some friends together to eat donuts with me. tough job right? they were so down to help, especially when they saw me show up with a pink box full of delicious donuts. i scoped out the perfect location for these shots. its exaaactly what i picture the actual glazed shop looking like. seriously the only thing i told them i needed them to do was to sit where i placed them, eat donuts, and talk to eachother. it was alot of fun to talk and laugh with them while i randomly snapped the photos. it couldnt have gone better. i just love my friends. maybe i will post more photos from the donut session another day (?)

more projects with glazed are to come so stay tuned!


Anonymous said...

omg...i love the glazed photos dude it looks nothing short of LEGIT! what are your hours anyways? hahaha

Dallas said...

i love it!