Saturday, April 18, 2009

in action

as promised, here is a quick video i made up of the shots that cass took of me this afternoon while i was shooting randi. cass is a good good friend of mine here in flagstaff and we happen to share the love of photography. i love sharing that with her and learning from her as one artist to another. i was very impressed with these shots because half of the time i didnt even know cass was shooting me. it was pretty interesting and fun looking at all the shots she got of the afternoon. a few things i learned about my shooting style while viewing these:

(all of which you should see in the video)
  1. while shooting vertically, i tend to do this weird thing where i lean way far over to one side to where im almost looking at the subject upside down. i guess its just comfortable?
  2. i squint my eyes behind the lens and it always seems like im smiling, i probably am though.
  3. i anchor myself in the oddest ways. like with one foot propped up against something or one leg stretched way further out than the other.
  4. i like to demonstrate to my subjects what i am looking for.
so in this video, i complied a bunch of the shots that cass took and some of the shots i got of randi and paired them up together. so when there will be a picture of me taking the shot and then the actual shot that i got. i thought it was a nice use of the photos. and its fun to see the process of it all. hope you enjoy!
here are some of my favorites that cass got:
laughing as awkward people pass by randi
showing randi how i wanted her to stand

oh man i sure love photographing.
thanks again CASSAROLE for takin these awesome shots and being the amazing friend that you are.

-lovin this,

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