Wednesday, April 22, 2009

look what i got!

from this guy! ive been deathly ill the past few days, yes... deathly. let me be dramatic for once. and yesterday i was online chattin with my sister and she goes "hey mom said she just got a call that you have to go pick something up at the front desk of your dorm." ummmmm ok? haha i had just gotten out of the shower and was comfortably hangin in my pjs and did NOT want to go downstairs to pick up whatever it was, which at the time i thought was probably a noise complaint for my room or somethin, wouldnt surpise me : ) i finally made my way down there and told the girl workin that "someone just called my mom at home and said i needed to pick something up here...?" as she looked around for what i was talking about, i noticed these roses on the side of the counter with my last name peeking out of the stems. "umm... are those for me? i think i see my last name on the card." girl: "oh. hmm, i guess so. weird, i dont know why someone called your mom about that." me: "yeah, um, that probably didnt happen." i took the roses and opened up the card to find a sweet note from joel, telling me to feel better soon. well these certainly did help : ) he had schemed this little delivery out, including talking to my room mate about our room/dorm information AND having my sister make up an excuse to get me down to the front desk. oh boy, too much work. he's the greatest.

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