Sunday, April 26, 2009

more weddings and gifts...

kristin and dustin got hitched yesterday... holla!
kristin is a dear friend of mine who i met in an off campus bible study ive been a part of this past year. she is such a sweet and kind spirit and i have loved getting to know her and share in the word with such a faithful woman. i decided to make two fun little things to decorate their new home, which from what i hear will be adorably fashioned in teal and brown.
kelly and katie are also in the bible study... im telling you these girls have made such a difference in my life this past year.
the talented miss rita greenwell photographed the days events and i snapped this photo from a distance watchin her interact with kristin and dustin. rita is a great photographer and a new friend so you should head on over to her blog to see some of her work.
i had such a good time at this beautiful wedding and felt so privileged to be watching such a God ordained union begin in their lives. God is so good for giving us love, yeah?!

(note: all the above pictures were taken on my point and shoot, sorry not the best quality)


Rita said...

girl, you are too kind.

Unknown said...

so, what are the chances of you making me those adorable decorations? i shouldnt admit this...but i am jealous. i love that floral print!!! you are so creative and fabulous bestie