Friday, April 17, 2009


(i know you are gonna kill me for calling you randall on the blog)

randi is my friend, soon to be roommate, sister, home girl, pal, team mate, buddy, ok... enough. so randi... she abbreviates just as much as i do. she quotes movies and past occurrences as much if not more than i do. SHE KNOWS WHO STEVEN CURTIS CHAPMAN IS and can sing most of his songs with me. its just meant to be with me and this one. the fact that she is from yuma automatically makes her cool but the fact that she modeled for some high fashion photos today makes her even coooooler. she strutted her stuff as i caught some shots of her while cass caught some shots of me. (which i will post tomorrow!) it was a beautiful and chilly day on the streets of flag and in the near by forest lands where we ventured out to take these photos. gotta give the props to randall for conquering the 30 and below degree weather. but by the looks of these
photos, you'd never know it was that cold. she rocked it. couldnt have asked for a better model. or friend. she's a rockstar. so thanks goes out to randall as well as cass for stickin by my side this afternoon to accomplish what you are about to see.

the natural beauty/lighting in these first few makes me wanna shout.
told ya...
one of my favorites! fierce.

randall stood on that tiny pole in stiletto heels... gotta give the girl her props.
more natural beauty... or.... taylor swift?

and leavin you with some shadow power
ive started to like high fashion shoots more and more. the posing, the outfits, the edge. its exciting stuff. a huge shout out and high five goes out to cass and randall for doin their thing today. i had tons of fun with the both of you. i cant wait to post the shots cass got of me in action... it was rather entertaining seeing what i look like when i shoot.

until then, good night?

1 comment:

cass said...

these rock sister. it's sup cool to get to watch AND to capture you in action. you are quite the artist and i def admire tha..