Saturday, May 16, 2009

jennie + mike = MARRIED!

it was truly my privilege to shoot the wedding of jennie & mike. talk about two kind and FUN people who are completely and unmistakably in love with not only eachother, but Christ above all. their sunset wedding was no doubt a testimony of their choice to serve the Lord and His kingdom together, side by side. i knew i loved jennie & mikes love from the start, right when i heard they worked together at their church's (city of grace) youth group. youth leaders are always the! so obviously i knew they were way cool and couldnt wait for may 15th to roll around. and it finally did! the evening was simple, classy, and relaxed... just as the couple told me it would be when we met up a couple months back. everything from jennies lace dress to mikes chuck taylors was totally unique and totally them. i had such fun observing and documenting a wedding that was perfectly customized for two awesome and easy going people. here are some shots from the evening, i plan on posting again within the next couple of days highlighting some of the unique and fun details of the wedding. for now, enjoy what you see here!

(this first image is a little out of order but its by far my favorite night shot of the wedding...)

one of my favorite detail shots of the day... jennie and mike are now the new Mr. and Mrs. W, hence the Womens restroom sign. you'd never know :)

here's mike:

and here is his stunning bride jennie:

the groomsmen with their chucks:

these boys definitely knew how to make eachother laugh...

and so did these lovely ladies...

which by the way all happen to be jennies sisters... yes, family of 5 girls. curaaaazzzyy.

mr. gavin, the ring bearer

one of the last images we shot, but also one of my favorites...

i was blessed tonight. blessed to be surrounded by mike and jennies KIND kind family and friends, blessed to document a living and powerful testimony of the love of Christ, and blessed to have FUN while doing it. jennie & mike, thank you for loving eachother so we can all get together, have fun, watch you two get married, and take pictures of it all. i think tonight was just BEAUTIFUL in so many ways and i hope you two enjoyed your wedding!

i also need to give a BIG big shout out to miss emilie for helpin me out tonight. carryin my stuff, switching out lenses, taking orders from me. dang that girl did alot. so lucky i had her there to keep me goin. love ya E.

everyone, be on the look out for more to come! i hope you find yourself trying new things and speaking your mind.

let me know,


cass said...

nice work tops!

Gail said...

Stephanie - these are beautiful. You are becoming quite the photographer!