well we wrapped up yet another year of kids camp yesterday afternoon up in the forest at mountain meadows ranch. as i said my goodbyes to the campers and the rest of the staff i couldnt help but be a little sad that this years camp had come and gone so fast. this year i had the awesome privilege to serve as camp photographer for the week. my sister melissa and myself were in charge of shooting photos/video of the week and combining the two elements into one killer video (which i may post at a later date). because i was given this job it allowed me to view camp in a different light this year. in years past ive just walked around snapping photos of the kids, me with the kids, my friends up there... basically just documenting MY week. well it had to be different this year, i had to document THEIR week. photo journalism has never been something ive loved or been very good at. i'd much rather sit you down and position you the way i want you rather than capture you from a distance in a setting i have no control over. however this week forced me to get creative and really exercise my eye for the shots. as i stated in the previous post, God always works in so many ways at this camp. kids come from all different backgrounds and are presented with a beautiful place to explore Gods creation, fun/crazy activities that they dont get to do at home, and most importantly the message of Jesus Christ and His unconditional love for them. there is never a doubt in my mind that these kids leave this camp CHANGED. i
was blessed this week, not only by just being there with the kids and staff, but
by being reminded with each shot that i took why i was there and why each of those kids was there.
one of my favorite shots from the week...

i just cant get enough of these little dirty legs... ALL week the kids are just coated in dirt. even after showers.

my sister kristin did a great job leading worship all week

the theme of this years camp was "church punks"... very fitting for little j mans mohawk

so all in all it was a great week. a bunch of kids came to know Jesus and so many others made decisions to start taking a stand for God and listen to His will for their life.
i'd love to post all the 650+ photos i took this week but you'd probably never read my blog again if i did that.
keep it real,
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