Saturday, June 20, 2009

a+a. engaged!

i didnt waste much time after getting back into town before i met up with amy & anthony for their engagement session. ive known amy and her family my whole life (?) and she is definitely family to me. she actually used to babysit me all the time when i was younger. ive watched amy graduate highschool AND college and really turn into a "grown up" (i still use that term quite frequently because i dont think i will ever be one)... she's really made a life for herself and im excited to tell you that she's chosen to share it with anthony. we've all been able to see how truly perfect these two are for eachother from the start. anyone can tell they have so much fun and just love living life together. i couldn't be happier that they've found eachother and have decided to spend the rest of their lives together. i also couldnt be happier that they chose me to document their engagement! i stumbled upon some great spots this morning as the three of us strolled around old town scottsdale. amy & anthony were great models who totally trusted me with these shots. im so pumped for their wedding coming up later this year and way excited for this new adventure they are starting together. here is what we came up with today...

i love this little series...

a&a: thank you for this opportunity! i am thrilled to be a part of this special time in your lives. hope you enjoy the photos!

day update:
today has consisted of...
-house/dog sitting with pete (the dog)
-editing, lots of editing
-tomato soup
-and a weird diane keaton movie
in case you were wondering.


bond said...

YAY! We LOVE them! Steph, you are so talented! And, thank you for all the sweet things you said! We love your family and truly cherish them! Can't wait to see the rest! :)

bond said...

Oh and yes, you have known me your entire life. I remember your mom when she was preggers with you and Melly Mel :)

Kristin said...

i love these!!! i don't think i've ever seen you two smile are obviously sooo happy. and amy, is that a gap dress i see?! ;)