Wednesday, July 22, 2009

decisions decisions

remember this post a while back? the one where i introduced my new photo credit that i would be including on each photo i posted? well CLEARLY if you go through my archives, that failed. ha, its ok, you can laugh about it. after that post i just decided i really didnt like the whole design concept of it, so structured and boring, not me. i guess i should have thought about it more before posting it, right? well anyways, i didnt forget about it. occasionally the thought of making a new one would slip into my mind and i would try something, not like it, and forget about it for several more weeks. well i guess i decided enough was enough. i want something to brand my images, something to brand my style.

ive decided on a simple typeface logo down at the bottom right corner of every image. this typeface logo is also what i selected for my header at the top, which i am currently working on changing. so i can honestly say that from NOW on you will see this photo credit on all of my images posted here. and this time it WILL happen.
(just an old self portrait from the FIRST day i met canon.)

1 comment:

Natalie said...

i LOVE the photo credit