Sunday, August 2, 2009

blog neglection

you guys. its been a whole week since i last blogged. that hasnt happened since like... 1957. why didnt you say something? im so ashamed. well part of the reason i havent updated has been that lately there hasnt been much to show & tell. i have a few exciting things to come (design/photo wise) in the next couple of weeks before i head back up to flagstaff, but other than that, not too much is goin on over here. but just to keep things interesting, and fulfill the "little slice of life" caption under my name in the header, i thought i'd share a few of the things that helped make this weekend wonderful:

(in no particular order)

1. glow in the dark kickball with these fine folks

if you look closely at the above photo you will be able to see: my gnarly knee injury obtained during the game, brad making out with the dog, and neon. lots and lots of neon.

2. created this plate at the ZYK staffer reunion party

everyone was decorating journals and there werent any left by the time i made my way to the crafts table. so i improvised and started cutting and pasting onto a paper plate. i cant say im mad about the way it turned out, nothin better than a little homemade wall art.

3. my new TOMS came in the mail!

favorite feature: the inside fabric has rhinos and lions on it. perfection. big thanks to the mitchell ladies for hookin a sister up with an online giftcard. they look a little blue here, but they are grey.

4. natalies bridal shower!

some church ladies threw natalie a lovely afternoon shower where she got the HOOK.UP. with stuff for around the house. i decided to start my own target registry HERE just in case you felt like randomly giving me gifts.

5. last but not least... winning this lil guy from the claw machine!

story time! it is EXTREMELY difficult for me to pass by one of those claw prize machines without digging through my purse to find change to try and win a hideous stuffed animal. just something about the whole thing captivates me. today at fuddruckers i excused myself from the table and snuck over to the game corner. of course i asked joel to come along for a second opinion/support. i had $1.50 in quarters, enough for 3 tries. try #1 for this guy was uneventful so i moved on to the next easiest item in the case. again, try #2 was even more uneventful. so for try #3 i decided to go back for this guy. i positioned the claw, took my side angle advice from joel, and dropped the claw. getting caught up on the arm, the stuffed creature moved, but decided he wasnt quite ready to leave his home. something must have changed in his little heart because after i ran back to the table and asked friends to contribute quarters to the cause, i dropped the claw for a 4th and final time just before finally embracing my new stuffed animal! the guys sitting at the table next to the machine celebrated my victory as well, screaming things like "I'VE NEVER SEEN ANYONE WIN ONE OF THOSE BEFORE!" and "STEPHANIE YOU'RE SO UNBELIEVABLY AWESOME!" ok not really the last one, but i promise they said i was the first person they'd seen win one. it was a team effort really, joel and i. once again, does anyone know WHY he puts up with this kind of ridiculousness i seem to so easily partake in? well anyway, i left lunch rather proud of the victory. oh and in case you are wondering, i named the stuffed creature "sugarloaf" and gave it to our canadian friend nick as an AZ souvenir.

so judging from all that you see above, you can clearly tell why it was such a successful weekend, yeah?

tell me about yours... where were you? what'd you eat? did you make anything? tellllllll : )

---steph b.---

1 comment:

Unknown said...

haha you freak. i totally was like " oh no she did NOT make a registry" and i was going to check it out...scam artist. how will i ever trust you again....
