Friday, August 14, 2009

the coolest fam

photo shooting with these two boys, max & rocco, is nothing short of entertaining and down right hilarious. this i remembered from my last photo session with these two crazies. but the boys are back, a whole year and a half later, with even bigger smiles and alot more on their little minds. only this time, mom & dad decided to join in on the fun. dave and andrea are raising two totally fun and adorable boys. and they are ALL BOY let me tell you. they were much more interested in the ants and grass on the ground rather than posing a family photo. i think that so many people can see what awesome parents dave and andrea are, and what an insane amount of love they have for their boys! max & rocco dont know how lucky they are yet, but they are certainly reminded each day of how much they are loved and cared for. we decided to brave the heat and headed on over to mesa to get some photos of this way cool family. i just about died when max turned to his mom after (literally) the 2nd photo i had taken and asked "NOW are we done??" poor little guys. but i think the results were well worth all of their suffering.

just the boys...

you really should get to know them. they're fabulous.

i strongly encourage the use of bribery in order to get kids to pose decently for photos.
yup, i said it, bribery. while some kids are promised ice cream or lollipops, all max & rocco needed to know was that at the end of the pictures there would be play time. (told ya, all boy) and play is what they did my friends. the second they got the OK from mom and dad they were climbing trees, wrestling, racing eachother... ive never witnessed such freedom. i grabbed a few shots during their play time:

despite the hideous heat and the attention spans of a 2 and 4 year old, i'd say we got some great shots that can grace the walls of this family's hallway. these people are lucky and blessed to have eachother and im feelin the same way for getting to photograph them. i cant wait to watch this family grow in love and character.


ps: tomorrow i finally get to meet aiden roy!!!! who's excited? me. more to come on this little guy.


Kristin said...

they're so beautiful! all 4 of them look so good, the boys are adorable, and i know they'll love them :)

bz said...

AWESOME photos! beautiful fam

emilie said...

everysingleone of these made me smile and squeak out a sound somewhat like "awweeeuhhheeee" LOVE my chilczuks and you captured them so well. as i scrolled down i literally declared each new picture as my favorite then would change my mind at the next. they all ROCK! you rock.