Tuesday, August 11, 2009


i'd like to have a green couch.

with mismatched pillows of all shapes and sizes just thrown on top.

 it'd also be nice to have a yellow chair just to the right of that couch...

perhaps with its own funky pillow on its lap... or maybe not. hmm...

------->>anyways, then i'd also love to have 4 of these spectacular chairs

circling this red dining table would be nice.<----

i wouldnt mind this rug for under the green couch either<<----------------

i also think it'd be rad to have a wall dedicated to...
-hanging random plates (preferably the dining area wall)
-empty picture frames of all shapes and sizes

oh! and im NOT opposed to wallpaper.

...maybe someday.


bz said...

I LOVE wallpaper!!! The crazier the pattern with lots of colors the better.
Good choice!

Unknown said...

maybe you should be an interior designer?

or how bout this- you could be in charge of ALL branding for a company, store, etc. From ads to logos, to the interior of the store......i think you would be REALLY good at that.
