Monday, January 11, 2010

downtown phoenix... slice of life.

in an effort to fulfill what my blog header has stated: "photography. design. & a little slice of life." i have decided to create a new "slice of life" weekly post. this post will be something completely unrelated to photography and design and it will literally be a little slice of my life that i want to share with you. because believe it or not, other things do happen in my life besides photo sessions and design projects. some weeks it may just be a photo, a story, my top chef review on something i eat... just a little bit of what may be going on in my life.

this week id like to go back a few weeks to the afternoon i had in downtown phoenix with joel. i planned a low key afternoon exploring different places we'd never been before in the area. we rode the lightrail downtown (total waste of time and money) and shopped around at a few stores, ate at the most delicious little cafe, and just walked around. if you're asking yourself why im taking the time to write about something that seems average and boring then im just gonna tell you its because IT WAS SO MUCH FUN. we loved having the opportunity to discover new and unique places, places that we've never taken the time to visit. restaurants, stores, coffee shops, parks, galleries... there are just way too many cool places to go see rather than the restaurants and stores we so conveniently go to all the time. please dont get me wrong, you KNOW im all about oreganos and target, but after spending one day downtown im convinced that ive been missing out.

first on our list was stinkweeds. cds, cassettes, vinyls, everything music. joel was obsessed.

next door is smeeks, a little toy/sweet shop. joel definitely picked up some treats there.

ever since our afternoon downtown we've made it a point to go back and find more cool places. the gal at stinkweeds gave us this really helpful guide to the the best of downtown phoenix and we're slowly making our way through the list. some other favorite places we've come across are lux coffee bar, maize's cafe, & an old family favorite of mine the old spaghetti factory, where the chairs dont match and the food is delicious!

so i hope this post finds you with some free time where you can head downtown and check out a few of these places for yourself. and i also hope that many more of my weekly "slice of life" posts have to do with something fun that happens down there.

1 comment:

Julie said...

i'm sorry i comment on every post, but... LUX. yummy. love, julie.