Friday, January 8, 2010

frieda & rick... married!

this past thursday i was given the wonderful opportunity to photograph the small and intimate wedding of frieda & rick. this couple came out for an az vacation and decided to get married during their visit! i got a call earlier this week and was notified that frieda & rick were planning on using a disposable camera to document their wedding at my church, and that my services might be wanted instead. after hearing that i was GLAD to be a part of their special day and provide some shots that might be better than a disposable camera. i showed up at the church not knowing what to expect from such a small wedding but i had such a great time getting to know frieda & rick and witness their love for each other being displayed in such a humble and personal manner. these two are such sweet and easy going people who are so very in love with each other. their ceremony was filled with references from the scriptures as well as their own relationship on the love of Christ for his faithful followers and the blessing of marriage that He wants to give them. frieda & rick made sure i knew that God's mighty hand had been placed over their relationship since day one and it was a blessing to hear how they've follwed Him through it all.

i stumbled upon this new editing formula i wanted to try out and some of these photos had such a perfect old timey feel to them, so i decided to use them here

like i said, it was a very small and intimate wedding. 6 people total were in attendance: the bride & groom, their 2 friends who served as witnesses, pastor, and me. this made for such a special and personal time where they could really focus on each other and the commitment they're making.

and just like that, they were married!

frieda mentioned that they drove by the church and saw the beautiful front lawn and this big sign and thats what made them stop by to inquire about getting married there. so we knew we had to take some shots out front:

one of my favorite parts of the afternoon was hearing about how frieda & rick met their two friends/witnesses. like i said earlier, the couple was just out here for a quick az visit therefore no friends or family were able to be at the wedding. when frieda & rick made the decision to be married out here, they knew they'd have to find two witnesses to stand up with them at the wedding. they told me the story of how they met these fine folks pictured below and believe it or not its all got to do with shoe tassels! while shopping in the macy's shoe department, frieda & rick overheard a nearby couple contemplating which shoes the man should buy. they heard the woman say "well i think you should buy this pair because they dont have tassels." frieda looked at rick and rick looked at frieda, and they knew this would be the couple. i guess rick also has a thing for shoes with tassels and only owns maybe 1 pair without tassels while bill (pictured below with rick) was just about to purchase his first non-tassel shoe. frieda told me "from the moment we heard 'tassels' we just knew we'd all be friends". isnt that great?!

it was so much fun watching the 4 of them react, you'd never guess they've only known each other for days. they're a fun crowd and i know they will only grow in their friendship.

it was an honor being a part of this special and unique day for frieda & rick. i certainly wish them so much happiness and joy as they start their new life together back in kentucky. az will miss their lively and kind hearts but im betting they'll be back out here very soon if miss frieda gets her way : )


Julie said...

Lovin this story....

Unknown said...

Congratulations Rick & Frieda!!!!!!