Monday, January 18, 2010

snow cool.

my best friend jamie came up to visit flagstaff this weekend. she was lucky enough to catch the first of the 5 day storm that is expected to stay in town this week. we decided to take advantage of this and have a little mini photo session out in the snow this morning. the roomates, jamie, emilie, and i bundled up in our coats and went out to endure the freeeeezing cold weather. the snow was falling pretty hard so one of the girls held an umbrella over myself and canon at all times. poor guy, he must have been freeeezzziinnggg. but thanks to joel's sweet mom my hands kept warm in the mittens she got me for christmas!

and then i got in front of the camera for a few

now, this is very important. lets all pray there's a snow day tomorrow and school is cancelled! because instead of doing homework today, we all did this. my prayer is (literally) as follows:

thanks for the beautiful snow you've blessed us with up here in flagstaff. in fact, i think its so beautiful and it shows just how creative and powerful You are that it should just keep snowing and snowing until the road guys cant plow the road anymore, and they give up to go spend time with their families at home. and SCHOOL WOULD BE CANCELED. of course i trust You completely with my life and want You to have Your way in it. so just disregard this if it doesn't fit in with Your plans and i will take it as a lesson You're teaching me to do my homework. but if it IS your will, snowwwww daaaaayyyyy!!

love you SO much,


Unknown said...

i LOVE this post! you have some gorgeous friends (and im proud to say i share some of those friends!) and just as i was looking at the photos and thinking i would have to comment that i wish there were pictures of YOU as well, there were! and you are so beautiful :) i love you and am so glad that you got to enjoy such a fun weekend with people you love! let me know if school gets cancelled ;) as for me, im off to class.....

cass said...

(thumbs up) like.

Greg Jeffrey said...

seriously you girls are so beautiful:)