Tuesday, February 16, 2010

introducing common grounds

this semester in my graphic design class we had to choose a food product that we'd be working with throughout the rest of the semester. we will be creating a visual identity for the product that will be incorporated in the actual packaging, a multi page print ad, and a website. the first project was to create the food product and the logo, using 2 different color schemes and a b/w version. we also had to display a scaled down (20%) logo to show what it will look like smaller.

i chose to create "common grounds" coffee... where good conversation meets good coffee. mmmm....

common grounds is all about a refreshingly simple taste that brings positive changes to your lifestyle.

our next project is the packaging, which im stoked for. its gonna be something you've never seen before. cant wait.


Joel said...

so, i have been checking the blog everyday for this post! : ) you can say it is werid.. but WOW it was worth it. Your desgin, and creativity is amazing. You never cease to blow me a way with your gifts, talent, and pure SKILL.

basically.. you are AMAZING.

Kristin said...

steph, did you know that there is an actually coffee place called common grounds in waco? i'm obsessed with that place, i have it at least twice every time i go to visit paige and jenna at baylor. anyway, this looks great! love it. love you.